New Book Out on Gun Rights

While I don’t always agree with the Knox clan on everything, their impact and contributions to the gun rights movement are undeniable.  Chris Knox has put out a book “Neal Knox – The Gun Rights War,” which cronicles Neal Knox’s history with the gun rights movement:

The Knox brothers expect controversy over the book, as it includes one section devoted to Neal Knox’s often-contentious relations with the NRA. “We’re not looking to stir controversy for its own sake,” said Chris. “The history is controversial, but it’s important, and a fair amount of it has been forgotten, glossed over, ignored, or even covered up.

As someone who has gobbled up nearly every bit of writing I’ve been able to find on the history of the gun rights movement, I will definitely be getting a copy of this.  I have no doubt there will be much I will disagree with, but having read and enjoyed Richard Feldman’s book, which comes from the opposide end of the pro-gun spectrum, I have no doubt I will enjoy this account as well.

11 thoughts on “New Book Out on Gun Rights”

  1. Thanks for the post Sebastian. I doubt there will be much in the book that you disagree with. It is what was happening at the time from Dad’s perspective with some color commentary from Chris.
    I’m really intrigued by Jacob’s comment: “Don’t give Jeff any money. Get it from the library.”
    First, the book is not mine. It belongs to my brother and my mother. I had little to do with it beyond an occasional kibitz and I don’t receive the proceeds. I’m just helping them sell it.
    I wonder why Jacob felt compelled to urge people not to give me any money. What did I ever do to him?
    Jeff Knox

  2. I stand corrected. Let me rephrase then, get the book at the library and don’t support the FC.

    Jeff, I was in contact with your old man and others sympathetic to the “losing team” in the aftermath of their removal from the NRA BoD so I have some firsthand knowledge of what went on then. I even have some of their old personal e-mails. Chris saying that you’re not trying to create controversy for its own sake is baloney because Neal did a lot of that and so did a bunch of other people. You’ve built your reputation by piggybacking on Neal’s legacy. Instead of trying to move forward you keep finding excuses to dig up the past and it just isn’t helpful.

  3. I’ll just say that I make every effort to “move forward” and avoid personal vendettas and sour grapes of the past. Still, it is very important to know the past in order to avoid repeating the same mistakes.
    Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results is the very definition of insanity.
    Ignoring history, and especially ignoring problems, is not healthy.
    The Firearms Coalition fights for the rights of gunowners. We do it apologetically and to the best of our ability. We invite people who see value in what we do to support our efforts.
    Thanks for clarifying your position.

  4. Is this the official position of the NYSRPA Jacob? I’m just curious. People might not get the distinction between speaking for yourself and for your organization. I think you need to be more careful about what you say.

  5. This predates my involvement with the R&P by like 5 years and the other people I’m referring to weren’t associated with it either. I didn’t go looking for Neal, he found me. At the time I was putting together an electronic grassroots network in the state, one of the first anywhere. That’s probably how he found me. Neal wanted to do something similar on a national level.

    1. I think the point he was trying to make is that when you comment here, you do so under the NYSRPA brand. You use their email address and their URL when you make that kind of comment which implies you are speaking on behalf of the organization, regardless of the timeline. Others who are involved in groups have been known to comment here from a personal perspective, but they change their identifying information as appropriate.

  6. For the record, I don’t know who Jacob is and didn’t know he was involved in NYSRPA. I don’t know anything about his history with my father or what their falling out was about. I have worked with NYSRPA in the past, helping the woman who was waylaid by an overzealous deputy at Albany airport for legally transporting her firearm in her luggage. We began collecting funds for her defense and then forwarded them to NYSRPA when they established an official defense fund. (Last I heard they weren’t pursuing her prosecution, but she hadn’t gotten her Kimber back.)
    I endorsed NYSRPA President Tom King for the NRA Board and think he’s been doing an excellent job.
    One of the reasons Chris and I insist on revisiting the past is that our father has been marginalized and even demonized by people with a lot broader reach than we have. Dad wasn’t always right and he didn’t always do things in the best possible way, but he was absolutely one of the most important figures to ever wade into the gun fight. There are some who have waged an active campaign to erase Neal Knox’s name from the history of the fight and I will do everything in my power to keep that from happening. Love him or hate him Neal Knox played an important role and we’re not going to allow his political enemies to write him out of history.
    I hope lots of people buy the book, but much more I hope lots of people read the book. Do as Jacob suggests and borrow it from the library or a friend. There’s lots of my father in there and I think the better people get to know him the more they will appreciate what he did and tried to do for them.
    Jeff Knox

  7. I never said I had a falling out with your old man. If you check the Rifleman I sent a donation in his memory to ILA after his passing. What I am questioning is the wisdom of bringing up things from 10, 15, 20 years ago and all the ill feelings that will accompany them. It’s time to move on Jeff.

  8. Jeff and Chris….

    I will be sending a check in today’s mail to receive a copy of your book….Please give your mother my fondest regards. She need not be part of this discussion.

    There is enough room for all opinions for that is why we post…but sometimes a little decorum goes a long way.

    Joe DeBergalis

  9. I recognize that I’m coming late to this party, however I a question for Sebastian and for Jacob.

    On what issues — specifically — do you disagree with Neal Knox?

    I keep running into people like yourselves who say things like, “Well, your dad was a good man and all, but I disagreed with him on some issues.” But they rarely seem to want to get down to what those issues are.

    Do they believe that NRA should have accepted a waiting period as a compromise to pass McClure-Volkmer?

    That NRA had any business endorsing an armor-piercing bullet bill?

    That NRA should have cut a deal in the face of a loss on the 1994 Clinton “assault weapons” ban, and so allowed Congress to avoid the hard up-or-down vote?

    That NRA should continue its practice of aggressive fund-raising, including sending appeals via registered mail?

    That NRA should continue to provide its vendors with no-bid contracts and allow those same vendors to actively participate in the Board elections?

    To Jacob’s point, yes, some of these are old issues dating back more then twenty years. The issue of these former colonies’ late conflict with Great Britain is likewise an old issue. That’s why it’s good to study it. It’s history. If we study history we stand a better chance of avoiding past mistakes.

    My apologies for coming in late (I’ve been a bit occupied of late), but I’m really interested in reading some answers to those questions.

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