NRA Gets Involved in Dem Primary

Well, it’s not an endorsement, but the NRA appears to be preparing to do a mailing for Bill Richardson. Good! Richardson is the only Democrat in this race who has done good things for us.  I doubt this will push him over the top, but I think Richardson has, so far, been running a brilliant campaign for Vice President.

3 thoughts on “NRA Gets Involved in Dem Primary”

  1. As a lifelong registered Democrat new to the pro-gun cause, hooray! I plan to caucus for the Governor. He’s currently in 4th in Iowa, but a lot of news reports have shown he has strong grass roots support in many rural areas of the state, support which may not always show up in polling. Also, many of the party faithful I know of are strong supporters of his. These are the people who go to party events, make phone calls, donate money, and spend 3 hours at their caucus on the night of the Orange Bowl.

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