Philadelphia Iraq Question

On the ballot currently in today’s Philadelphia city elections:


“Shall the Philadelphia Home Rule Charter be amended to state the citizens’ view regarding the mission served by U.S. troops in Iraq and that the citizens of Philadelphia urge the United States to make year 2007 the time to redeploy U.S. troops out of harm’s way in Iraq?”

The ballot measure was passed 72% to 29%, or thereabouts.  Now keep in mind that Republican turnout in this election was way way down.  The shocking thing to me is that close to 30% of people, mostly Democrats, in Philadelphia actually voted no.  I thought this would pass a lot more overwhelmingly.   But still, a fantastic victory for the folks who want the whole Iraq project to be for naught.

Personally, I have a suggestion: Why don’t we have the troops who are actually fighting the war vote on whether or not they want to come home, or complete the mission?

One thought on “Philadelphia Iraq Question”

  1. Personally, I have a suggestion: Why don’t we have the troops who are actually fighting the war vote on whether or not they want to come home, or complete the mission?

    We don’t do that because they work for us. Yeah, they can have some input as to whether or not they want to stay, but in the end, it’s the citizens and their votes that determine the future of military policy.

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