Like a Broken Record

I’m pretty tired of hearing Piers Morgan ask people why anyone needs an AR-15. Someone ought to take a copy of the Bill of Rights and make him eat it, at this point. I’m also inclined to agree with SayUncle that he’s going to run out of people to kick his ass in a debate:

Newt Gingrich isn’t someone I’d voluntarily debate, and glad to see Professor Newt is back. I’ve always liked Professor Newt. Politician Newt is another story.

9 thoughts on “Like a Broken Record”

    1. Poor Piers Morgan. One must realise that he was born..will live his life as and pass on as a subject of the crown. He has not and probably will never experience the heady feeling of being a truly free man and will only get to have the “priveleges” that the government allows him. If he has so much contempt for our way of life then I suggest that he not let the door hit him in the keester on the way out and return to england..


  1. I’m also inclined to agree with SayUncle that he’s going to run out of people to kick his ass in a debate.

    As long as this juices his really poor viewer ratings, perhaps not.

    Heck, when was the last time any of us with some debating skill can remember being bested in a semi-fair gun control debate, i.e. one where “Also, because shut up” isn’t a devastating argument?

    1. Unfortunately good debates almost never happen. They rarely comment gun blogs, and they will memory-hole our comments on theirs when they start to lose (which doesn’t take long).

      1. I’ve found my local newspaper’s Facebook embedded commenting system to be a fair venue and perhaps one where I’m making a small difference.

        I would expect newspapers to be less into censorship than the normal gun control blog. The editors of mine are all for gun control, then again in our deepest of Red State America they’ve got to be careful in how they advocate it.

  2. That’s like asking an activist for racial civil rights whether Rosa Parks really needed to sit in the front of the bus. “I mean, the front and back were both going to the same place, weren’t they?”

  3. Piers couldn’t care less about getting owned during a debate. He holds his positions because it makes him money. His controversial opinions on guns and many other subjects get him ratings, from people who love him AND hate him. Those rating ensure his continued six figure income.

  4. I really wish they would bring up that people may purchase fully automatic firearms with certain requirements. AND the AR does not meet those requirements and should not be included with the fully automatic firearms.

  5. I’m pretty tired of hearing Piers Morgan ask people why anyone needs an AR-15.

    The media and the bitter grabbers (but, I repeat myself) are going to keep asking this until osmosis carries the proper answer to society in general:

    “This is western civilization you’re living in. Here, that which is not forbidden is permitted. As free men, we do not need to explain why we need our freedom. On the contrary, it is your job to explain why you need to take it away.

    If you would like to live in a society where that which is not permitted is forbidden, I suggest Saudi Arabia.”

    Or words to that effect. It is not our job to explain the basics of western civilization to Piers Morgan.

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