SOTU Summarized

Hey, aren’t I awesome? I killed Bin-Laden. Congress sucks because they won’t work with me. You kind of suck too, by the way. The rich, they also totally suck because they aren’t paying as much as Warren Buffet’s secretary. What we really need is a government program, and if you put that on my desk, I’ll sign the shit out of it right now. Not everything is bad, because Master Lock kicks ass. If you think things are bad today, it’s because we don’t work together like Navy Seals do. Did I mention I killed Bin-Laden? Goodnight capitalist pigs.

– Barack Obama

4 thoughts on “SOTU Summarized”

  1. Exactly why I didn’t listen. Nothing new or interesting. This pony’s act has gone way stale and dull. He says nothing better than most, but it still is worthless to listen.

  2. The rich, they also totally suck because they aren’t paying as much as Warren Buffet’s secretary.

    Somehow I doubt that Buffet really paid LESS than his secretary!
    Perhaps the marginal rate on some of his earnings was less, but the bottom line was probably orders of magnitude larger.

    That is unless his secretary is VERY well paid! :)

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