Massachusetts Clubs Resisting Patrick’s Plan

Via the Outdoor Press Room, it looks like gun clubs in Massachusetts are doing what they can to resist Governor Patrick’s plan to effectively shut them down. It’s for our own good, according to Governor Patrick:

He said the new rules are not a response to the Westfield accident per se, but a comprehensive package to create a safer environment for those who use guns.

Who asked you? I’ve never felt unsafe at any of our local clubs. I imagine it’s the same way in Massachusetts. This is the typical motus operandi of the gun control movement. Take something that sounds completely reasonable to your average non-knowing person, which is that clubs don’t have a whole lot of money, typically, and regularly hold public events as part of their mission to promote the shooting sports. I mean, who could possibly object to having a police detail at your local smallbore match?

2 thoughts on “Massachusetts Clubs Resisting Patrick’s Plan”

  1. Whenever I think about how much living in NJ sucks, I remember that I used to live in MA – then I feel better.

  2. In the comments there, somebody writes that the Westfield shoot, where the kid was killed, was run by… off-duty cops.

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