Local Special Election Today

For those readers who live in Pennsylvania’s 24th Senatorial District, NRA has endorsed Bob Mensch in today’s special election to replace the seat vacated by Senator Rob Wonderling, who resigned to head up the Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce. Be sure to get out to vote. Bitter is up there now helping his campaign with the get out the vote effort. Hopefully we’ll keep that an A-rated seat moving forward. Bucks Right has some interesting information on his opponent. She’s a lifelong hunter, you know?

2 thoughts on “Local Special Election Today”

  1. Why couldn’t they wait on this election for November? I am confused why they would have a special election this close to the general!

    1. That’s the $375,000 question that only the Lt. Gov. knows the answer to at this point. Though most people I actually talked to out on my walk did know it was Election Day. A handful had already voted. Those who I spoke with who hadn’t all knew where and when to go vote. So hopefully that’s a very good sign.

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