It Came From Outer Space

Looks like MUFON, the Mutual UFO Network, will be coming to my county. This should be a great place to catch up with at least one CeaseFire Pennsylvania board member, who no doubt needs to disarm us lest we shoot those who come in peace, preventing forever the aliens bringing us into enlightenment, or turning us into a delicious protein shake with their cosmic blenders.  One of the two.

3 thoughts on “It Came From Outer Space”

  1. Who is the head of Cease Fire PA – Joe Grace or something like that?

    I watched Fox 29 news at 10 last night. They did one of those stories about how gun sales have gone way way up since the election, just like about every media outlet has done at one time or another since that time.

    The story was fairly balanced, with most of the face time being given to two different gun shop owners in Delaware, and a short bit of Joe Grace. Unlike that clown Bryan Miller, this Joe Grace guy did not make any ridiculous or hysterical statements – he just said that gun owners need to always act responsibly.

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