Astroturfing HopeChange

The Jawa Report has an excellent bit of Amature Journalism that outlines how the Obama campaign is likely behind an astroturf campaign to promote sleazy and blatantly false claims about Sarah Palin.

Looks like Chicago politics to me.  Why would we want to elect a president from there again?

2 thoughts on “Astroturfing HopeChange”

  1. It sounds like this Ethan Winner guy may have violated the McCain-Feingold Act. Prosecution may be in order.

    Winner says that no money changed hands; that’s disingenuous. No money has to change hands: Tom Delay got busted for making a f***ing phone call!

  2. Do you have something against Chicago and Obama?? For too long, far too long a significant number of Americans have been deprived of real representation in this country. Their civil rights have been violated again and again. It’s only Chicago that has shown us the progressive way to address this.

    I’m talking, of course, against the rights of deceased-Americans, who are routinely deprived of their right to vote everywhere except in Chicago.

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