Lots of Camp Perry News

Looks like Breda paid a visit to Camp Perry this weekend, where the National Matches are taking place as we speak.  No word on whether she managed to steal any pens, but I do have to say, that AR-15 looks nice on her.  I think she needs to get one.  If she does, she can shoot in our gun blog matches.

Bitter offers a pretty snarky assessment of NRA’s Camp Perry Live blog.  This is their first year trying anything like this.

7 thoughts on “Lots of Camp Perry News”

  1. Since I am the gunblogger closest to Camp Perry, the NRA should totally hook me up next year, don’t you think?

  2. Breda,

    Sebastian is right. We’re not paid to do this. This isn’t a work project for us like it is for the NRA Staff. The only ones who are paid to set up Blogspot blogs are spammers, as far as I know. :)

    However, I will venture out and challenge a little bit on this front. I do think that quality blogs deserve the investment in a domain name and a “real” host. I think your blog is incredibly high quality and deserves the attention that comes with non-Blogspot hosting. That said, because you’re a blogger I truly enjoy reading, if you’d ever like to register a domain, I’d be happy to host you for free if it’s the hosting fees that keep you from making the leap.

  3. Speaking of, what’s with the trend of people commenting on Sebastian’s blog about my posts? Is the spam filter eating everyone? I haven’t noticed any legit ones get blocked lately. Granted, I tend to skim, but they usually stand out.

  4. Bitter – I think the technological aspect is what’s keeping me from making the leap. Blogger is easy, even for a noob like me ;)

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