A Tale of Two City Papers

It’s nice that we actually get factual reporting out of the Pittsburgh media.  The Philadelphia Inqurer coverage was not as good:

Yesterday morning, gun owners crammed the Capitol Rotunda for their annual “Right to Bear Arms” rally and lobby day, vowing to launch voter-registration drives ahead of the November elections and to defeat pro-gun-control lawmakers.

Dressed in NRA caps, camouflage jackets and even Revolutionary War uniforms, about 200 sportsmen and firearms owners cheered speakers, among them Rep. Daryl D. Metcalfe (R., Butler), who assailed Gov. Rendell and his “gun-confiscating conspirators,” urging participants to “fire” lawmakers who supported gun-control measures.

There was one guy dressed in a costume, and he was part of the rally, not some random nut playing dress up.  I recall seeing no one in camouflage.  There were a few NRA hats, but big deal.

Looks like a normal bunch of people to me, many of whom are in suits.  The Inquirer can barely hide their contempt for us through their lame attempts at factual reporting.  The Inky closes with a statement from CeaseFire PA:

Joe Grace, executive director of CeaseFirePA, said raffling off a handgun in the state Capitol was insensitive to victims of gun violence.

“It’s unfortunate considering the hundreds of victims of handgun violence in this state,” said Grace. “It makes light of such a serious issue.”

Joe Grace is entitled to his opinion, but the capitol is everyone’s, and whether he likes it or not, he has to share this state, and its capitol, with people who value the right to bear arms, and don’t see guns as symbols of violence.

3 thoughts on “A Tale of Two City Papers”

  1. Hey, at least they noticed you were there. We marched 2500 folks down Capitol Avenue in Springfield IL and invaded our state legislature and it didn’t merit a peep in the Chicago media. I guess it did not happen.

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