A Reminder to Maryland Blog Readers

Tommorrow is the day the state wide assault weapons ban, Senate Bill 43, will be heard before the Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee.  If you can, it’s important to show up in Annapolis to make your voice heard.  I don’t think I need to tell you all how important it is to stop this, and not just for folks in Maryland.

3 thoughts on “A Reminder to Maryland Blog Readers”

  1. Hey,
    Thanks for helping. I’ll post a writeup on it tomorrow…but there were the usual four or five dolts from Ceasefire and the Bradys…and 210 people signed up to speak against the bill!

    It was impressive, to say the least.

  2. Hey, 210 isn’t too bad for a committee meeting! I’ll bet they aren’t used to attracting that kind of attention. I’d say that’s a good turnout. Way to go Marylanders!

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