More on NRA’s Bankruptcy

John Richardson has the details. I no longer have the time to get as far into the weeds as John is going, so he’s been a great resource in all this. Additionally, my contacts in the NRA were all pushed out during Wayne’s purge of Chris Cox and his circle. So I have no real insight as to what’s going on anymore.

I don’t know who the “good guys” are, or if there even are any in this awful mess. I don’t write much about it because to be honest, it all makes me sick to my stomach.

John notes:

I have always held that this bankruptcy filing was a gamble. Wayne and Brewer are too clever by half and I think the result will not be to their liking.

I think they had a choice between awful and even more awful, from their perspective, so they chose awful. I’m not sure Wayne, or NRA, is getting out of this easy.

Wayne’s been past his shelf life for some time, and in my opinion out of his league. It’s always seemed to me that he needed someone to tell him what to do, and that went from being Angus McQueen to to Bill Brewer.

I keep going back to this: they knew exactly where to hit us.

10 thoughts on “More on NRA’s Bankruptcy”

  1. “…they knew exactly where to hit us.”

    I think the tactic is known as “Enough Rope.”

    It may be advisable to stop thinking of the NRA as “us”, or vice-versa.

    1. Yeah I would advise Sebastian against the pitty party approach. That doesn’t get you anywhere. Here’s the ego buster: They didn’t “know where to hit us” because you blogged about gun rights dude. Their side still has painted rust to show for advocacy. The same is try today as it was before.

      I also agree that the NRA is no longer “us” like you say. I just wish I could get a refund on my life, benefactor, patron, and endowment membership fees. Instead it went to one of WLP ready made hoooowahs. I’m more concerned about that.

      1. Ya this “they knew where to hit us” narrative needs to go.

        Bloomy has done nothing of note. He’s not looking at blogs.

        We all said the only thing that would take us down is ourselves. And that’s what happen. It’s not conspiracy, it’s just incompetence. Wayne was terrible because the board was terrible.

        1. You keep telling yourself that. Bloomberg is not looking at blogs, no, but his people are. They pay attention. Trust me.

          1. And what are they looking at?

            We aren’t saying anything that hasn’t been said for the last 50 years.

            Let them look. It takes more than reading blogs to beat us. I mean, if they ARE reading blogs then that is all the evidence I need, because they aren’t beating us.

  2. I don’t know who the good guys are either. But a lifetime of working for boards has taught me that when you you get a meltdown like this, the CEO has to go. Doesn’t matter whether he was in the right initially. WLP has got to go.

    1. WLP could not have done what he did without a lot of top-to-bottom collusion, either directly, by people in the know, or indirectly, by an inattentive or uncaring board.

      Getting rid of WLP may be the sine qua non for “reform”, but a whole new altruistic framework needs to be constructed, and I’m not sure such a thing is possible, utilizing pieces of the old framework. I may not have the experience with boards that you have had, but I have observed casually that organizations will evolve a certain “character” or “personality”, and it will survive even after a 100 percent turnover in personnel. “How things were done before” has quite a lot of staying power.

    2. They really do need structural reform. Having 76 board members is insane. In any non-profit, you’re going to have paid staff that tries to manipulate things in their favor. But at NRA staff basically runs the place. The Board is window dressing. Granted, that’s because it chooses to be that.

      Really, it’s a combination of top-to-bottom collusion and an inattentive or uncaring board. It’s all those things.

      1. A former boss used to say “There are no bad boards, only bad staff.” I rate this as mostly true since I can’t rule out boards that are so crazy they can overcome the efforts of even good staff. But generally, full time, professional staff are always going to have the advantage over part-time amateurs.

        In the case of the NRA, it really doesn’t matter if their are 76 or 6 since they are amateurs.

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