It’s Never Been About Crime

A Harvard study look at the gun issue and doesn’t find any correlation between gun control and crime or suicide rates. This will do nothing to dampen the enthusiasm for gun control because gun control has never been about controlling crime, it’s been about controlling culture, namely our culture, rather than the criminal one. It’s not that many who support gun control want to live in a world without criminals having guns, they want to live in a world without people like you and me.

4 thoughts on “It’s Never Been About Crime”

  1. This is not a Harvard study; it’s a well researched article published in one of the Harvard law reviews written by my friends Don Kates and Gary Mauser.

  2. This study is from 2007, and Kates and Mauser are well known as pro-gun. The study cites Gary Kleck etc extensively. While the study is certainly good peer-reviewed source to use in discussions and arguments, its not like “Even liberal harvard agrees!” or anything.

  3. Unfortunately, the study is apparently not peer reviewed. It is published in the journal of a little-read Harvard conservative law student group. And it has been criticized for its weak statistics.

    However, it is a step forward.

  4. “It’s not that many who support gun control want to live in a world without criminals having guns, they want to live in a world without people like you and me.”

    Exactly right.

    Gun control isn’t really about crime control. Gun control isn’t even really about guns. Gun control is about power, political power. The power to reward friends and to punish enemies. I never forget that.

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