Quote of the Day

From Jennifer:

One of my responsibilities was to read the Patriot Act and bring the bank into compliance.  Yeah.  I read the whole damn thing.  I saw every bit of infringement on personal liberty.  I suddenly became a lot more interested in what my Congress critters were doing out there in the pretty building.  Any idea that I had about the government being benevolent went out the window.  Our response to being attacked by pure evil was not to vaporize them, but instead to gouge the freedoms of the citizens of this great nation.

I don’t just want to remember the victims of 9/11, but the monstrous response of the federal bureaucracy to it. Never let a crisis go to waste. If it was only Rahm that believed that, there wouldn’t be much of a problem.

3 thoughts on “Quote of the Day”

  1. “I don’t just want to remember the victims of 9/11, but the monstrous response of the federal bureaucracy to it.”


  2. What is sad is that she read the bill and most congress-critters probably didn’t.

    Russ Feingold was the only Senator to vote no and 66 House reps voted no.

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