AWB Moving Again in Illinois

Daley and his Chicago machine are going to be eager to pass this to get back at gun owners. How dare we stand up for our rights! He’ll make the downstate rubes pay for this one! Todd Vandermyde is making the argument, and it’s a good argument, that the several firearms manufacturers that are located in Illinois will leave the state if this passes. It’ll also shut down high-power competition in the state. Hopefully this can be defeated, but it’s amazing to me the IL legislature is willing to ignore a seven thousand plus rally at the State Capitol. If we turned out those kinds of numbers at our Harrsiburg rally, our politicians would crap themselves in fear. I guess when you’ve been gaming the system as long as the Daley crew have, you get a certain amount of arrogant cockiness about you.

11 thoughts on “AWB Moving Again in Illinois”

  1. Downstate legislators propose a CCW bill, Chicago legislators propose an AWB. Neither side wants to give in to the other so they cancel each other out. Mutually assured destruction, if you will. That’s why Illinois gun rights have been at a stand-still since the late 1960s.

    The only way to bring CCW to Illinois without backlash would be to eject Chicago from the state or sink it into the lake.

  2. “The only way to bring CCW to Illinois without backlash would be to eject Chicago from the state or sink it into the lake.”

    There are several good reasons to do the latter; anti-gun stupidity is only one of them.

  3. “several firearms manufacturers that are located in Illinois will leave the state if this passes.”

    I truly feel sorry for you people in Illinois and I really hope they can’t pass this garbage ban.
    However, if it does pass, RRA is more than welcome to relocate in firearm friendly western North Dakota.

  4. Guys I think we have the votes to kill this bad bill off. They are getting nervous about the McDonald case and tossing spagetti at the walls.

    the illinios manufacturers are all over this too

  5. I don’t think protests are effecgive unless the police brutalize the protesters, making them appear as martyrs or victims. Absent that, they’re just too easy to ignore. I mean, something like a million people protested the Iraq war just before it was going to start and look how far that got.

  6. Nathaniel, the difference is that most Americans either approved of the Iraq war or had no strong opinion either way. The protests went against the grain of public opinion.

    The pro-2A protests in Illinois are in line with public opinion, at least outside Chicago.

  7. Not having read the text of the proposed bill, here is one of those “unintended” consequences questions. What happens to those traveling through O’Hare (or the state) with a qualifying firearm?

  8. Thor, they’d be bound by Federal law allowing peaceable passage. However, just like NYFingC, I’m sure they’ll need to get the ruler across the knuckles every now and again when they try and ignore that provision…

  9. But wait! There’s more! For only 19.95, the Cook County DA can turn you too into a felon.

    THey’re also trying to pass a law redefining ‘gun case’ to make it whatever the State’s Attorney wants it to mean. During the hearing, they specifically stated a zippered, Nylon case from Cabela’s wouldn’t be considered one.

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