Good News in California

This has got to scare the Brady’s.  In their number one state for gun laws, the Assembly Appropriations Committee has suspended the ammunition registration bill:

Sponsored by Assembly Member Kevin De Leon (D-45), AB962 would make it a crime to privately transfer more than 50 rounds of ammunition per month, even between family and friends, unless you are registered as a “handgun ammunition vendor” in the Department of Justice’s database.  Ammunition retailers would have to be licensed and store ammunition in such a manner that it would be inaccessible to purchasers.  The bill would also require purchasers submit to fingerprinting, which would be submitted to the Department of Justice.  Lastly, mail order ammunition sales would be prohibited.

This doesn’t kill the bill completely, but it I’m guessing this is akin to tabling a bill in other states.

Via NRANews

3 thoughts on “Good News in California”

  1. That bill is ridiculous. Boy do we need some solid standard-of-review we can use as basis to launch argument against legislation like that. Least restrictive means, narrowly tailored to meet compelling governmental interest would do. It seems that in CA they like to throw everything at the wall to see what sticks.

    I think that the lawsuits against the CA “safe handguns” roster, as well as against their discretionary carry laws are scaring the Brady’s even more.

    Will we one day see these groups go away? Will we see them pursue actual and workable violence reduction agendas? Will they lay in to pushing for internationally mediated gun control?

    Who knows … but right now, they must be seriously rethinking their game plan.

    On that note … Brady’s signed an anti-gun amicus in Nordyke … but they did not sign the one submitted in this Chicago handgun ban case. Telling?

  2. […] California ammo restriction one step closer to being killed […]

    I have to go to Virginia via Pennsylvania to find out what’s going in California. Heh.

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