Man Shot in Colorado Coup Attempt

It’s not often the media show dead bodies on news stories, but I guess in this case they’ll make an exception:

The man claimed that “he was the emperor, and he was here to take over state government,” said Ritter’s spokesman, Evan Dreyer.

The guy apparently was wearing a tuxedo.   If he was armed with an old fashioned flintlock pistol, that would pretty much complete the “stylish wacko” thing he looks like he was trying to put on.

Anyone know whether the Colorado State Capitol is a gun free zone?  Based on my reading of their carry laws, it’s quite likely.

3 thoughts on “Man Shot in Colorado Coup Attempt”

  1. that must count as one of the shorter imperial reigns on record. i’m thinking he should have taken more lessons from the example of Emperor Norton.

  2. colorado has “home rule”. Denver bans carry of firearms in violation of both the state and federal constitutions.

    Google Rick Stanley for a better piicture of the situation

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