… when you resort to trying bore cleaner and hoppes number 9 to remove dry erase marker from your kegerator. I was finding the center line to drill last night, so I tried to mark center line with dry erase marker. I tested an area with it before I marked, but I wiped it off before it really dried.  Once it dried, it refused to come off.  I tried alcohol, nail polish remover, bleach, you name it.  Eventually I got the idea of trying hoppes number 9, and some Smith & Wesson bore cleaner.  Neither really worked.
What did work was lava liquid soap, mixed with some alcohol.  It was enough of a mix between abrasive and solvent to get the job done. Hoppes is great stuff for cleaning guns, but for getting dry erase marker off a surface that wasn’t meant for it, not so good.
Next time try overwriting the marks, pause, then wipe. The solvent in the marker will loosen the ink and you can often just wipe clean as normal.
A good suggestion. I will have to remember that one.
on a related note, I learned the other day that Break Free works very well for lubricating a deadbolt
Are we making another kegerator, dear? Or rather, are you making another while I again sit and watch? :)