What the Media Really Thinks of Gun Owners


Locally, there’s a new group that has popped up to defend gun rights. The media is aghast, and they resent being reminded that 1 in 17 of voting age adults in the county have concealed carry permits – a number from before the rush on permits post-Aurora and Newtown.

“Registration? Does it include the criminals?” [a local pro-gun State Rep.] asked, repeating a very tired argument. He went on, concluding: “Firearms protect children, wives and husbands.”

What about the dog? Should we shoot people who threaten the family pet?

Yes, the paper just called the argument that we should punish criminals “tiring” before comparing the value of the lives of your spouse and children to that of a dog. Let that sink in. They think the concept of defending the lives of your children is as worthless as defending a house cat. Why? Because you own guns.

But, the unsigned editorial doesn’t stop there. No, they have to make gun owners out to be dangerous creatures.

Said one of the “concerned gun owners” of possible government intervention, “They have a hunger to control us — unless we stop them.”

God help us.

Clearly, divine intervention is needed. Because gun owners couldn’t possibly be talking about stopping power-hungry politicians through civic engagement, public education efforts, citizen lobbying, and election volunteer activities.

This doesn’t even get into their policy discussion. They promote Obama’s gun ban agenda as “modest,” and then they try to claim that full gun registration isn’t really controversial at all. They think that a ban on firearms commonly owned and used by thousands of gun owners in the region is just not big deal and shouldn’t be challenged. They do make clear that we’re “entitled” to have opinions, but they are outraged that gun owners dare organize to express them.

15 thoughts on “What the Media Really Thinks of Gun Owners”

  1. “Should we shoot people who threaten the family pet?”

    That would depend on how you view “the family pet”.
    It IS my property and some, if not most, castle doctrines allow me to use deadly force to prevent a crime against property. In my opinion, yes, I can shoot the gremlin that is threatening damaged to or theft of my property.

    1. Especially because if he’s willing to shoot a living animal, he’s likely to shot another larger self aware animal.

      1. Yeah, and since most of these hoplophobic, beta-humans are extreme animal rights freaks they claim that “meat is murder”,I would be stopping a murder from taking place.

      2. I love my dogs. They’re part of my family, so anyone threatening them threatens me. And yes, I totally agree with what Patrick says above.

        But the line of reasoning I am using in the police report is “My dog is part of my family’s security system. He protects us. What’s the difference between someone shooting my dog and disabling the alarm on my house? Both of them are actions of someone up to no good.”

        1. In general pets are treated as property or live stock. Floyd is correct in his assessment. Your response options do not change because the threat is to a pet. The local laws have a tremendous impact on those options. But, if you are going far enough to have a predetermined response to police, I recommend that you speak with an attorney/leo about your rights if you haven’t already done so. Your actions after the encounter should be tailored to an overall legal response in case it comes to that.

    2. The only question of someone trying to shoot my dog is figuring which one of us, myself or my wife, shot the bastard before he had a chance to do so.

      An assault on my dog is an assault on my family. It will be responded to as such. Only thing different between him and a child is he walks on four legs and has a speech impediment.

  2. Actually, that newspaper has a long and distinguished history of anti-gun chicanery.

    In 1964 I was arrested under an unconstitutional local ordinance banning hunting. I had the ordinance overturned on appeal. But I was arrested in possession of a dead crow. The paper reported I had shot a “cow.” When I complained they claimed it had been an unfortunate misprint. Then they printed a retraction/correction, that made no sense, in which they said again — twice — I had shot a cow. They never did print the word “crow.”

    At one point my father went into their offices to complain, and the editor said, “Well, in my opinion, I don’t think people should just be allowed to run around with guns,” to which my father replied “And in my opinion, newspapermen are crooks who are too lazy to work but don’t have the guts to steal!” The reporters in the office at the time roared, and said “Sounds like he’s got you pegged, Sandy.”

    1. “And in my opinion, newspapermen are crooks who are too lazy to work but don’t have the guts to steal!”

      Andy B., do you mind if I steal that quote? I promise that I won’t claim it as my own. It pretty much sums up the entire population of “journalists” in the world today.

      1. Sure, steal away. Neither I nor my dad actually owned it.

        I recall at one time it was a fairly popular phrase, where people filled in their targets of choice.

        1. I checked to see if I could find a reference on that. There appear to be dozens of variations on that “Too lazy to work. . .too cowardly to. . .” idea.

          Here’s one of the very first I stumbled upon:

          “The first priest was the first man who was too lazy to hunt his own firewood, and too cowardly to catch his own meat.”

  3. What if a SWAT team mistakenly breaches your home and threatens the family pet?

    The cops have a pretty rough record when it comes to the family dog…

    1. Remember when a female BATFAG threw Harry Lamplugh’s pet kittens against a wall, during their raid on his place?

      1. Regarding the ATF raid on the Lamplugh household: From what I can recall reading about this raid in a 1990’s issue of SOF magazine, a female ATF agent by the name of Debra Slusser stomped on the Lamplugh’s kitten that was trying to get back inside as she was leaving their house. Then she kicked the dead kitten underneath a tree. Two other Lamplugh family cats died later from ingesting prescription drugs that another ATF agent had dumped all over the bedroom floor. All of these ATF and IRS agents who had raided the Lamplugh house that day had themselves a pizza party for lunch and left their trash all over the Lamplugh’s house. You can read more about the Lamplugh ATF raid here:


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