What a Day

I am now back in the realm of the employed. You don’t know how relieving it is to get up and go to work. While my stress levels are still pretty high because of having to adapt to a new job and new environment, there is a strange comfort in routine. Once I got up and started to head out the door, I had to remind myself to go straight instead of take a left, where I would have gone to my previous employer. It won’t be long now before the new job feels more routine.

I’m working in New Jersey now, so you can all have sympathy for me. While New Jersey may be lacking in reciprocity for some things, it does have tax reciprocity with Pennsylvania, so I continue to pay taxes as if I was working in Pennsylvania. The only difference for me is I’m under New Jersey employment law, which is actually more employee friendly than Pennsylvania.

There are some things that will take some getting used to. I was high enough in the other job to have an office. Now I’m in a half-height cubicle in a high traffic area. I used to be the king of my domain, and now I’m back to being a cog in the machine. It’ll take some adjustment. I’m hoping to keep a reasonable blogging schedule up, but sometimes it may get difficult. Part of no longer being king of my own domain means having a lot less time flexibility than I used to. At my previous job, I worked at home most nights. This is more of a hard-wired day job. In some ways that’s good, but in some ways not. Time will tell.

8 thoughts on “What a Day”

  1. I went from a 12th floor office that was 14’X12′ with an unobstructed view of Mt Penn and the pagoda to new employer with a 2 sided 6’x6′ cube. I couldn’t be happier. When you have an office, the back stabbers are always trying to get it away from you. You’ll get used to people pretty much passing by and ignoring you, it’s nicer than everyone feeling the need to poke their head in the office door and getting all worried when the door was closed.

  2. Congrats! While not actually having to face the unemployment aspect (yet), I have an idea of what you are going through. New employers, new procedures, and much less “freedom of movement” as it were, but at least still employed in the same place and actually making money for myself. Wishing you all the best.

  3. So can we look forward to dispatches from “behind enemy lines” or “occupied territories” now? ;)

    Glad you got a new job – but it sucks to do a George Washington reenactment daily without crucial costume pieces.*

    But good luck, avoid negative office politics like the plague and go make some money.

    *Yeah… crossing of the Delaware in case that went over anyones head – heck, it’s even almost Christmas!

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