Specter Getting Hammered at More Town Halls

Looks like Arlen is really feeling the heat.

“You have great income, power and prestige, and you are using that on the backs of the American people,” Phillips said as the crowd erupted in cheers. “You are talking down to the American people if you think we are that stupid.”

Specter rejected the man’s suggestions that he has lost touch with the American people. He said he hosts town meetings in Kittanning every year and tries to respond to constituents’ concerns.

“I know how much anger there is,” he said. “It’s about 231 degrees Fahrenheit in Kittanning.”

After the meeting concluded, Specter told about two dozen reporters that he has been surprised at the rising anger and the number of people attending the meetings. As Democrats on break hold similar town hall meetings across the nation, the angry crowds have garnered headlines and some live TV coverage.

Arlen is also trying to make his case to Pennsylvania bloggers.  You can bet yours truly isn’t going to be invited to any such pow wow.  In another bit of Specter hilarity, he apparently called up Senator Grassley, ready to give him a piece of his mind, and instead got his voice mail.

Time to go Arlen.  Time to go.

4 thoughts on “Specter Getting Hammered at More Town Halls”

  1. You should have heard him getting his .. well, shall we say getting a nicer welcome from the nutroots in Pittsburgh. My favorite part was when he said in so many words that he can’t wait for the chance to be a mouthpiece for Obama on any issue the Dear Leader might choose.

    Wasn’t all warm welcomes though, as someone asked him whether he’s really found liberal religion, or if his sudden conversion to a 97%-Dem voting record (according to something called the “Specter-o-scope”) has to do with Sestak’s primary challenge. Imagine — people don’t actually respect you when you claim to have seen the light while obviously running to their foxhole for cover…

  2. But remember. Democrats tell us that 100% of all these people are paid for by lobbyists to show up… These peopls don’t show what American wants. Only democrats know what the people want and we citizens are to stupid for our own good. And remember the people supporting health care are all 100% individuals, there honest and not being paid by lobbyists. And they cetainly don’t lie about being doctors…

    This would be hilarious if it wasn’t so sickening. Especially the white house telling their cult members to snitvh on people that don’t like obamacare. To be put on some watch list we can’t see no doubt. But most dems are going to vote on it anyway. When’s the last time these people actually listen to their employers? They haven’t read a single large bill they vote for and this will be no different.

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