My Letter to Speaker O’Brien

I’m hoping all my readers who live in Pennsylvania have gotten a chance to e-mail the House Speaker, Dennis O’Brien, who stood with us all the way on House Bill 1845, and voted against the lost and stolen amendment, at great political cost in his district of Philadelphia.  Here’s my letter:

Dear Mr. Speaker,

I wanted to thank you for your vote on House Bill 1845, who’s passage I witnessed from the House Gallery on Monday.  I’m glad we finally got something passed that will help fight criminals who misuse firearms, and respect the rights of gun owners.

I particularly want to thank you for your vote against Representative Levdansky’s amendment to require reporting of a lost or stolen firearm.  I know this was a very difficult vote for you politically, and I’ve read the negative coverage you’ve received from the Philadelphia media over it.  I wanted to make sure you knew that there are many gun owners in the Philadelphia area, including myself, who are very grateful that you stood with us.  If I can ever be of service to you, please don’t hesitate to contact me.



The Philadelphia media is eating O’Brien alive for standing with us, and I have no doubt that CeaseFire PA is going to make defeating him their top electoral priority.  Representative O’Brien did his part in standing with us, and I sincerely hope we’ll all stand with him when he needs us.

One thought on “My Letter to Speaker O’Brien”

  1. I too sent a letter to O’Brien thanking him for his intestinal fortitude. Although I’m not familiar with his position on many other issues, I hope that he can weather any CeaseFire PA attacks in the next election cycle.

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