
Caleb has been doing a lot of podcasts.  I have a personality that is really best suited to the written word, but I’ve been thinking about doing one just to see how it goes.  It wouldn’t be a regular feature.  What do you think of podcasts?


Of course, I’d have to think of a topic too.  I wouldn’t want to bore anyone.

9 thoughts on “Podcasts”

  1. I voted “Snore”, but that doesn’t really fit my opinion on the podcast.

    I’m really more of a text guy – give me the transcript and I’m a happy camper. For me, hearing their voices is just distracting.

  2. I prefer text, but its fun to hear other blogger’s voices, and some of the topics are (Such as Ahab’s last one) are really friggin interesting.

    Once in a Blue Moon, sez I!

  3. I can count on two fingers the number of blog based podcasts I’ve listened to – and both had very compelling guests over at Glenn Reynolds. But I didn’t find them particualrly newsworthy or worthwhile.

    That said, the American Bar Association litigation and real estate section has a number of podcasts they’ve put out on technical training matters. I downloaded them to my blackberry and got a full days worth of CLE credit listendig to them while driving to Georgia earlier this year. That was worthwhile and I’d do it again, but I can’t imagine I’d have the desire to listen to a blog cast.

  4. You should just post videos of bullets hitting silhouettes.

    Or maybe “World’s Funniest Gun Accidents Caught on Tape 7”.

  5. I’ve listened to exactly half the number of podcasts Countertop has, and I only listened to it to find out how to pronounce Breda’s name correctly. :-)

  6. Sorry, I can’t go near anything related to pods ever since I saw the movie “Cocoon.”

    Freaked my shit pretty bad.

  7. If you scored an interview with someone well-known who’s relevant to the topics of this blog, a podcast would be a good idea.

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