The Gun

So here I am on a Saturday night, and Bitter is no where in sight.  You all know what this means.  It’s time to buy a gun!  I have my eye on one.  This one is from the Civilian Marksmanship Program.

What do you think? Click on the picture for more detail.  I think that would be a great rifle for doing open sight silhouette. What do you all think? If I decide this is the gun, I’ll drop the order form in the mail on Monday.

UPDATE: It’s a Kimber Model 82.  You can read about them here.

4 thoughts on “The Gun”

  1. I have had my eye in one of those also.
    Nice piece and the cost isn’t too bad.

    My vote: Buy it now and when it shows up just bring it home as if it were a give or prize.

  2. Ditto,
    She reads the website. And, in general doesn’t seem to frown on Sebastian’s purchases (See CZ recently). I have detected a move for a small entity to raise, though.

  3. I like mine, although mine is used for punching paper at 50 feet.
    When I do my part it shoots x’s on the A-17 target.

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