5 thoughts on “The Elusive Definition of Machinegun”

  1. On pages 453-454 of the 2008 edition of Firearms Law Deskbook, there is a quote from United States vs. Aguilar-Espinosa, 57 F. Supp. 2d 1359 (M.D. Fla. 1999), as follows:

    The intent of the “ready restoration” clause is, at least, to statutorily include a weapon that is inoperable as a fully automatic weapon on the occasion of the alleged unlawful possession but is capable of renewed automatic operation by the purposeful deployment of a practicable effort. On the other hand, the law is not intended to trap the unwary innocent, and well intentioned citizen who possess an otherwise semi-automatic weapon that, by repeated use of the weapon, by the inevitable wear and tear of sporting activities, or by means of mere inattention, happenstance, or illfortune, fires more than semi-automatically.

  2. In this case I believe the firearm had some of the prohibited M16 parts in it.

  3. Para JJ, no it didn’t have prohibited M-16 parts in it, but it did have some allowed M-16 parts.

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