Reciprocity with Pennsylvania

There was a time when I thought that it might actually be nice if Pennsylvania passed a training requirement so that we could get expanded reciprocity with other states.  I heard from people that our lack of training requirement was a real impediment to signing with states that had “substitutively similar” language in their reciprocity statues.

I don’t think that anymore.   Pennsylvania has done pretty well in signing reciprocity agreements in the past few years with other states.  While we’re still lacking some key ones I’d like to see, like Colorado, West Virginia, and Delaware, it’s a much better state of affairs then it used to be.

Today we have reciprocity agreements with:

  1. New Hampshire
  2. Virginia
  3. North Carolina
  4. Georgia
  5. Florida
  6. Michigan
  7. Kentucky
  8. Tennessee
  9. Missouri
  10. Oklahoma
  11. Texas
  12. Wyoming
  13. South Dakota
  14. Alaska

In addition, our LTC is recognized by:

  1. Montana
  2. Idaho
  3. Utah
  4. Indiana

This is quite an improvement over several years ago, and I hope it will keep improving.   Tom Corbett’s office deserves kudos for working hard on getting so many new agreements.  Hopefully in a few years we’ll be pretty close to universal reciprocity among states, despite boneheaded actions like we saw from the politicians in Colorado earlier in the week.

One thought on “Reciprocity with Pennsylvania”

  1. In Indiana, you have to be 18 to get a CHL. In Kentucky, you have to be 21. Kentucky, however, recognizes Indiana CHLs even if the holder is under 21. That’s a good neighbor.

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