Using the Militia

Dave Hardy tells of a story that harkens back to how the militia used to be used, which is a supplement to law enforcement.  I think programs like this are a good thing.  A citizenry that’s playing a more active role in the safety of their own communities is far better than one which expects the government to do everything for them.

2 thoughts on “Using the Militia”

  1. I like the fact that my borough has a volunteer police group (one of the few in PA). They are usually called upon to do traffic and crowd control. They pay for PA 235 training and a uniform, and the volunteers have to work at least 40 hours a year. Nice way to supplement your full time police force.

  2. We all know about the Second Amendment right, but what about the Second Amendment responsibility?

    That with rights come responsibilities is widely if not universally accepted. So what is the responsibility that comes with the right to keep and bear arms? It’s in the opening phrase of the Second Amendment. “Owning guns and complaining to your representatives being sufficient to the security of a free state,…” Right? Well that’s what most gun owners seem to think.

    For any who wish to take seriously the responsibility that comes with the right to keep and bear arms, I’d like to invite you to explore today’s militia at We might surprise you, especially if you still believe what the mainstream media and groups like the SPLC say about us.


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