Quote of the Year

Via Glenn, on the subject of why terrorist atrocities don’t get any attention:

Yon’s story doesn’t get attention because it is humiliating.

It is humiliating because it is obvious that we media – and our allies in the state department, the legal trade, the NGOs, the Democratic Party, the UN, etc., – can’t do squat about such determined use of force.

Our words, images, arguments and skills can’t stop the killing. Only the rough soldiers and their guns can solve the problem, and we won’t admit that fact because the admission would weaken our influence and our claim to social status.

So we pretend Yon’s massacre – and the North Korean killing fields, the Arab treatment of women, the Arab hatred of Israel, etc. – doesn’t exist, and instead focus our emotions and attention on the somewhat-bad domestic things that we can ‘fix’ with our DC-based allies. Things such as Abu Ghraib, wiretapping, etc. When we ‘fix’ them, then we get status, applause, power, new jobs, ego, etc.

Please don’t be surprised. We media are an interest group not much different from the automakers, the unions, and the farmers.

What a stunning admission about the psychology of the media.

2 thoughts on “Quote of the Year”

  1. ….yawn…

    Desperation has a stink all its own, and it’s nasty. Glenn’s RKBA work is admirable, but his neocon sycophancy has the stench of “wow, we’re really in deep shit on this one.”

    “Our words, images, arguments and skills can’t stop the killing.”

    What a crock of bullshit. Nobody’s ever said they could.

    “Only the rough soldiers and their guns can solve the problem, and we won’t admit that fact because the admission would weaken our influence and our claim to social status.”

    What fuckin putrid psychobabble that is. Nobody really doubts there are some problems that need be resolved by means of force.

    What Glenn can’t seem to get his head around is that this doesn’t appear to be one of them, and he’s the person having trouble admitting the shortcomings of his myopically focused strategy.

    That, and the whole “the media doesn’t report the bad things terrorists do” thing is just plain recockulous.

  2. As usual PGP is frantically protecting his emotional need to feel enlightened and superior to others from reality.

    I wish him well, as he seems to be harmless to all but himself.

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