“The Court’s door should be knocked only with the utmost seriousness and preparation.”

So says Steven Halbrook in his latest law review article.  I was going to say something about this but, damn you Geekwitha45, you took the words right out of my mouth.  The money quote form the law review is

While there is room for optimism, one presents a Second Amendment case before the Supreme Court with great risk. New rights are discovered with extra-legal phraseology like “liberty of the person both in its spatial and more transcendent dimensions,”67 and explicit rights – to include core political speech68 – are swept away. The first case the Supreme Court takes on the merits of the individual-collective rights issue will be critical. This area of the law is no exception to the precept that the Court’s door should be knocked only with the utmost seriousness and preparation.

Go read what Geekwitha45 has to say!   I don’t really have much to add.