Start of the New Season

Sorry for the light posting. Last night was the start to our club 2010/2011 Indoor Silhouette season. Last year I had to skip out way too much. This year I’m hoping to get there more. For not having pulled the trigger in well over a month, I did surprisingly well, 27 and 29. Normally a decent score for me would be 30-32 out of 40 for indoor smallbore pistol. Of course, my 27 may have been a 26, depending on whether this counts:

Silhouette Ram Nose Down

I couldn’t have made the animal do this if I tried, and I’m still not sure how it ended up this way. I think the bullet just barely brushed the base, based on the paint patterns, and the fact that it took a bit of time to tip all the way. Originally I didn’t count it, then someone told me that because it would have fallen off a pedestal, it counts. Then someone else said it didn’t, but I had already changed the score. Ultimately, I decided shooting better the third relay was the better option, so I didn’t end up beating someone with a questionable animal.

4 thoughts on “Start of the New Season”

  1. It’s not pining, it’s passed on. This ram is no more. It has ceased to be. It’s expired and gone to meet its maker. This is a late ram. It’s a stiff. Bereft of life, it rests in peace. If you hadn’t set it on a rail, it would be pushing up the daisies. It’s rung down the curtain and joined the choir invisible. This is an ex-ram.

  2. Oh, those poor, innocent rams. Good grief.

    Next you know, this will lead to also shooting poor, innocent pigs, turkeys, and chickens!

    The horror! I am calling PETA right now.

  3. I did that once – about thirty years ago. When I looked at the lead splash, I saw I had hit the Ram a glancing blow on the tip of his …. um,… you know.

    How we laughed. But I felt a little bad for the ram.

  4. Would it be a plausible/practical sport to shoot with a stock (as far as I know, though the mag release sticks out a bit) G17L? Looking for something other than the random e-postal to shoot.

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