Philadelphia Politicians Force Political Suicide

Apparently the politicians in Philadelphia want Obama and Hillary to take a stand:

Philadelphia’s Democratic leaders say they’ll press Sens. Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Obama to back stricter gun laws, despite the risk of angering voters throughout the rest of Pennsylvania and possibly damaging the party’s nominee in the general election.

Gun violence in Philadelphia — 331 homicides from gunfire in 2007 — thrust firearms laws to the top of the agenda for city voters, and they don’t care about the potential political pitfalls for the presidential candidates, said Carol Campbell, a Democratic ward leader in the city.

“If you can’t deal with it, then you’ve got a problem,” said Mrs. Campbell, who supports Mr. Obama and heads an alliance of black ward leaders.

So it’s not just the rest of Pennsylvania that has to pay because the Philadelphia politicians can’t control crime, the entire nation has to pay.  I actually hope they do take a stand on this.  That way gun owners across Pennsylvania won’t be fooled, and will be more likely to cross over and vote against these two.

3 thoughts on “Philadelphia Politicians Force Political Suicide”

  1. I all for making the candidates talk about gun control… but I have faith they will only dance around the issue regardless of what questions are asked.

  2. “If you can’t deal with it, then you’ve got a problem,” said Mrs. Campbell,…

    Exactly right Mrs. Campbell, you’ve got a problem and you can’t/haven’t dealt with it. It’s called controlling the criminal element in the city and has damn little to do with gun control.

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